Collect 2019

Collect is an annual show of international contemporary craft, organised by by the Crafts Council. I have wanted to attend this event for the last few years but it is only open to the general public for 3 days so has proved very difficult to schedule, this year however, was different and I finally got to go in person and I am so glad I did! It is a great opportunity to talk to other artists about their craft and processes, especially on the top floor which is dedicated to emerging artists rather than the galleries who occupy the ground and first floors.

It is a pretty incredible show, spread over 3 floors of the Saatchi Galleries. You will need at least 3 hours to do it justice, more if you plan to attend any of the talks.

These are just a tiny selection of the pieces that were highlights for me….

Marian Brjlenga’s delicate, spidery textile hanging
Detail of above photo

Her tiny colourful dots were strung together with fine translucent thread allowing them to be suspended several centimetres from the wall, creating subtle shadows behind.

Jerome Blanc’s exquisitely carved wooden bowls
Detail of above photo

The craftsmanship of these bowls was exquisite, with thousands of precisely carved curves producing a mesmerising optical illusion that draws you inevitably to peer into the hole at the centre.

Detail of “Time Space” by Shihoko Fukumoto, indigo dyed weaving

If you look closely you can see a second layer of weaving behind that gives a feeling of depth to a hanging.

Inger Fohanne Rasmussen
Detail of above photo

I was in awe of the neatness of the thousands of stitches employed in Inger’s hanging, this was clearly a labour of love to hand-stitch such a large and detailed hanging.

Lizzie Farey, willow
Lizzie Farey, willow
Susie Freeman – “Pill Bag”

This is one of many works Susie has created that puts pills and medication centre stage. She traps the pills using by knitting with a fine thread. It’s not clear what Susie’s stance is on medication is but her work certainly makes the viewer consider their own relationship with it.

Mathieu Ducournau – threads on canvas
Mathieu Ducournau – threads on canvas
Detail of photo above

Mathieu’s works were incredibly skilful, from a distance they look like oil paintings but as you get closer the messy, tangled weave of coloured threads revel themselves.

Claire Malet – “Winter Sketch”
Vanessa Hogge – “Daphne” and “Chrysanthemum” vases
Zemer Peled – “In Bloom”
Ricardo Tena Chavez – “Unexpected Creatures”
Su-Yeon Kim – “Forrest of Stools”, drawn with melted glass

This sketch caught my eye, initially I though the stools had been hand stitched but as you get closer you can see how each strand has been “drawn” with melted glass.

Charlotte Mary Pack – “100 Elephants”
These were made in one day and represent the number of elephants illegally killed each day.

Charlotte made a time-lapse video of the making of these elephants, it is only 3 minutes long and worth a look – video.

Martha Rieger – each cocoon had a little surprise hidden inside
Detail of photo above

I hear Collect will be moving to a new venue next year, after 10 years at the Saatchi Galleries it will be moving to Somerset House, I am sure the standard of work will continue to be exemplary in their new home.

Felting for Embroidery

I have been attending my local Embroiderer’s Guild (Farnborough) for a year or so now, we meet monthly and our group is slightly unusual in that we focus on teaching each other practical skills rather than inviting speakers. Last month we made coiled bowls and before that temari balls.

Being a feltmaker it was no surprise when I was asked if I would teach the group to make a piece of felt that we could then embroider at the following meeting. It was quite a tall order, 13 ladies, 11 of whom had never handled wool tops before, let alone made felt and we only had 2.5 hours to complete our projects in…

Most embraced a landscape for their first piece of felt, rather fitting with the Q1 challenge although, of course they did not know about it 🙂


Others took a more abstract approach….



I can’t wait to see how they look after the addition of some embroidery next month, I have great plans for machine embroidery on mine, it is going to be a lot of fun!

If you are local and interested in the Farnborough (UK) Embroiderer’s Guild we would love to hear from you, please email Sue and Anne at for more information