Category Archives: felt hat

Felt Shibori and Some Hats

As promised here are some photos of the jacket I made on Tatiana Sherverda’s workshop at the end of April. The workshop was intended to be focussed on tailoring and pattern making but as you can see we went off on a bit of a shibori tangent! ๐Ÿ™‚

Of course that did mean very few of us managed to finish our jackets during the workshop (I was still working on mine 3 weeks later…). I’m afraid I don’t have any “during” photos but Terriea posted one on her blog, it’s near the bottom of the page.

While making this I wasn’t 100% sure I would feel comfortable wearing it (it is very OTT compared to what I would normally wear) but now I love it and can’t imagine parting with it. I’m not sure why but something about it reminds me of Game of Thrones, there is something theatrical about the silhouette I think…?

Another long-promised offering (sorry I have been really rubbish at finishing projects this year), the brain hat that you all very kindly provided ideas on how to finish it. The brim won out in the end (although I really didn’t expect it to) and I am rather pleased with how it turned out:

This is rather naughty, I know I should be making more of an effort to empty my UFO box but you know how it is when you get an idea for a new project….

This is my wooly prize from the IFA conference a few weeks ago, all along it has been crying out to be turned into an ocean / something watery.

When I started, I had ideas of waves of felt with white foam “crashing” over the surface of a hat, here it is at the layout stage.

The wool is English 56’s, not a breed (I suspect it is a blend of wools) I am familiar with, but it feels quite course to the touch so I used a couple of layers of merino batts on the inside for comfort.

I have to confess the waves are looking more and more like whirlpools as this hat has developed but I think it still works, it’s still drying, hence all the pins….

Just a few stitches and hopefully this one will never get to see the inside of my UFO box ๐Ÿ™‚

A Good Day

Today has been lovely, one of those warm, still, sunny days that promises the beginning of a warm summer to come but tomorrow, rain is forecast. So I made the most of it and worked outside, this is a little bit limiting because you can’t really lay-out wool fibres outside; the first puff of wind and all your hard work gets blown all over the garden. But this was just the push I needed to finish a few pieces in my UFO box….

The first was a cat cave inspired by Galina’s many and varied fish, if you haven’t seen them, do take a look, they are beautiful and lots of fun. They appeal to my sense of humour and that got me thinking about how funny it would be to have a fish swallowing a cat rather than the other way round… silly I know but it amuses me ๐Ÿ™‚

I started this cat cave several months ago, but it wasn’t thick / well fulled enough to support its own weight, so today I fulled it to within an inch of its life, it has shrunk quite noticeably, but now it is holding its shape (even while still damp). The only downside to fulling it so firmly is that the patterned green silk running the length of the fish has all but disappeared into the wool. Here it is drying in the sunshine.

The Oak Tree Hat is nearly finished too, here it is a couple of weeks ago where I was just starting to add the leaves:

Before shaping the leaves and final fulling:

Getting ready to shape and position the leaves ready for drying, I’m waiting to see if it needs starch to hold the leaves in position but I am feeling optimistic that they will hold their positions naturally (ideally I would like the leaves to “rustle” in the breeze as the wearer moves). Sorry, this isn’t the best background for photographing this hat, my photo-box isn’t big enough to accommodate it…

I’ve also finished the “brain” hat, it’s busy drying on a hat block – I’ll post some photos of that next time along with the jacket I made in Tatiana Shervada’s class at the end of April…. in case you can’t wait there is a little taster on Terriea Kwong’s blog along with some amazingly creative garments created by the other students.