Category Archives: screen printing

Screen Printing at Ochre Print Studio

This  post is the product of serendipity, all those hours spent (wasted?) on Facebook finally paid off when a mutual friend posted about Ochre Print Studio in Guildford. I still can’t believe I  hadn’t heard of them before, they are only 6 miles from me.

They offer a variety of print courses as well as open studio sessions and a variety of services such as photo emulsion exposure for silk screens.

I took a 2 day class with Annee Robson and think the results speak for themselves. I took the course with the plan to use the new skills on fabric but am suddenly hooked on printing with paper…. 🙂

Clicking on the images should make them larger.

Grand Canyon

This is a wall hanging that I started just after Christmas after thinking about a taking a trip to the Grand Canyon, the trip never materialised but the images from my research stayed with me. The different coloured rock strata are just plain beautiful.

This was my interpretation of it, it’s no where close to matching the scale of the Grand canyon, but its a reasonable sized piece of felt at approx 2 ft x 2 ft.


My first issue was the edges, they look very untidy in their native state, with various layers poking out from under the red “earth”. So I tried cutting them back to reveal all of the layers and straighten them up a little. This is the first edge cut:



I like the wiggly lines of the different layers in the cut edge but I’m still not happy with it as a wall hanging. I wonder if it is the white? Is the contrast too severe? What would you do with it?

I’ve also been trying to use some of the screen printed prefelt that is starting to pile up around me, I decided to use these two pieces to make journal covers:



But was a little disappointed that both images faded / disappeared during the fulling 🙁



I expect they can both be rescued, the geckos with some embroidery and / or needle felting, the pink one with some more printing with a darker colour. It’s just a bit frustrating to see you beautiful print disappear before your eyes…