Category Archives: sewing

Second Quarter Challenge, zippered pouches

Today I have been doing a little more stash-busting, working through my piles of nuno felt, left over from various dress making projects and a box of fabric off-cuts. I have been using the nuno felt as a pretty, textured outer with the fabric off-cuts as linings for earbud pouches and a small boxy bag that I plan to use as a pencil case.










Machine Embroidery

The past couple of weeks I have have been fighting an infection and been feeling pretty grotty. All my great plans for felting over the long Easter weekend went completely out the window. After 2 days of napping and watching telly I was bored and needed something to do but didn’t think I could stand up for the lengthy periods that felting requires.

I came across this stunning photo of “Aisa” by Ebru Sidar on Deviant Art several months ago and thought it was so beautiful I saved the link.

This was my inspiration for some machine embroidery.

Here it is after the initial outline sketch:

And the finished and framed piece, it was really tricky trying to get a good photo without reflections in the glass.

A close-up of the stitching

Linking up to nina-marieoff the wall Friday