I’m still feeling a bit direction-less on this challenge, ambling from one idea to the next but I have at least managed to commit to making a couple of pieces of felt this week, both based on the challenge.
The first is a small hanging based on this photo of some cone flowers (rudbekia):
My idea for this picture was to use different tones and shades to visually bring some of the flowers forward while sending others into the background.
Using the ball of ochre coloured wool in the middle of this photo I blended some different tones and shades by adding different quantities of white or black.
And used these batts to make some prefelts:
I confess I cheated a little – the yellow in the middle is not a tone or shade of the ochre colour, the original colour is the square 2nd from right on the bottom row.
These prefelts were cut up and arranged on a square of black commercial prefelt:
After lots of rubbing and a little bit of rolling all the pieces are firmly attached and it is ready for some finer details to be added.
I quite like the jolly, cartoon-like effect but think I can make the flowers look more 3-dimensional with some shading using the left over prefelts and pieces of the batts.
This weekend I also made a start on a hooded jacket, again applying the challenge instruction of using just one colour plus black and white. There’s still some way to go but here is a little taster…

Rummaging through my stash I found some bundles of carded natural merino batts in white and dark brown, I had an idea that using batts would speed up the layout, which it did, but any time I saved in the initial lay-out was lost needle-felting more wool over the thin spots at the prefelt stage. 🙁
I attached a hood to my favourite dress resist. Masking tape is great for making temporary changes to resists. You can see where I have permanently altered this resist to add sleeves using duct tape.
Laying out the wool with some lovely Wensleydale locks for extra texture and some white mulberry silk for a little bit of sheen.
Starting to layout the front sections:

With a little luck I hope to post the finished jacket next time.