Category Archives: wet felting

Snowy night (in June?!)

This feels very strange. Posting a hanging of icicles and snow in the middle of June, but like so much I have done this year it has taken me 6 months to see it through to completion. This piece was “conceived” when I noticed some icicles hanging from a roof last November and was “born” in January when I started work on it. Every so often I would bring it out of the UFO box, decide it needed something else but unsure what, put it back into the box.

Here it is before de-tangling all the icicles…

Last week I added a couple of windows, I think the yellow and the orange in them helps to balance out all the blue.

I also added a star using some silvery thread to the top right but can’t decide if I should add a few more (smaller ones) to “lead the eye” around the hanging, what do you think? Maybe some machine quilting on the sky? What would you do?

The fishy hanging is now dry too, I added some machine embroidery and silver Markal paint to the lower half but I still fee the reef needs a bit more definition, perhaps some splashes of red and orange?

And finally, a little teaser of some chiffon scarves I have been working on:

Chinese year of the sheep

This weekend I felt (pardon the pun) inspired to make a hat in honour of this being the year of the sheep, it was inspired by the curly horns that some rams display. I took a bit of artistic licence with the colours…



I think I will add a few discreet stitches to make sure the horns stay in place and I’m also toying with the idea of adding some fabric stiffener. I have some spray on ironing starch and some CMC but have been reading that milliners paint on a specific hat stiffener on their felt hats. What do you all like to use?