Category Archives: wet felting

Weyfest was Brilliant!

I spent last weekend at Weyfest, a small and very friendly music festival about 10 miles from where I live. I have been to a few music festivals over the years but Weyfest is definitely one of the most enjoyable, there’s always a broad spectrum of ages and everyone is always in such a good mood (and I don’t think it was due to any chemical assistance).

A lot of the bands such as 10cc, Squeeze (Cool for Cats), Chas and Dave, had their hay-days several decades ago and I’m sure that influences the demographic of the crowd, there were a lot of parents and grandparents with children in tow which was lovely to see.

I was there with the West Surrey Spinners Weavers and Dyers and we all had a fantastic time, I’m afraid I was enjoying myself so much that I forgot to take photos.

These guys were a troop of rather gothic looking morris dancers, I love their costumes! They seem to be a regular fixture at the festival as I have seen them before.

 photo by Peter Day

The hats I made were a real crowd pleaser, the bright colours and unusual animal themes solicited a lot of interest and 2 of them found new homes. It was a real joy to see their new owners sporting their purchases as I wandered around the festival.

This one was the first to find a new owner, a really lovely man who felt bad about haggling £2 off the price and came back the following morning and left the money with a fellow spinner – how lovely is that?! I still find it rather amusing that he chose to wear the hat back to front but seeing him wearing it, it does look equally good either way round and as he pointed out it does have a Tibetan vibe about it.

The “Firestarter” hat also sold, lots of people loved this hat and quite a few tried it on so I wasn’t too surprised that it sold. It was bought by a young lady who said her friend had been coveting it – how nice is that? I saw him wearing it a couple of hours later, it was a real head-turner, definitely a hat to get noticed in!

And finally a nuno shawl found a new home, again, it was bought as a gift by a young lady for her mum I believe.

A weekend spent spinning and chatting in the sun, listening to live music and 3 sales, who could ask for more? 🙂

3D Coral Take 2

In my last post I shared a picture of my latest coral-inspired piece at the pre-felt stage.

I really liked it at this stage and was worried I wouldn’t like it as much once felted but prefelt isn’t particularly strong so felt it I did…

And I’m really pleased with how it turned out, placing the folds closer together is so much more aesthetically pleasing. It’s busy drying at the moment waiting for me to mount it but in the meantime here are some photos from different angles.

Linking up to nina-marieoff the wall Friday