I finished a couple more hats today, I think these will be the last for Weyfest as I am out “third manning” with the ambulance service tomorrow as part of community first responder CPD. I plan to do some more felting on Friday but doubt it will be dry in time to take to Weyfest on Saturday.
A bit more conventional than the last batch aren’t they?
Thank you all for your suggestions of what animal this hat might be:
Believe it or not I had a fox in mind when I started it, just goes to show I should always refer to photos ;o)
It was interesting that your opinions closely followed the split in my household – I thought it looked like a donkey while Mr TB thought it was a deer. Some of the suggestions for the monster/frog hat were a bit off the wall though – green squirrels?!! :o)
I finally got around to framing a couple of pieces today as well, I’m pleased with how these turned out and I still have another piece of dyed felt so will probably make a third hanging… something else to add to the ever growing to-do list!
Linking up to nina-marie, off the wall Friday