In this class we will use wet-felting techniques with multiple resists to make a journal cover with magnetic clasps, flap and pencil holder. I will show you how to calculate shrinkage, lay out wool, blend wool colours to achieve a gradual colour change and you will have the option to decorate your case with various silk fibres, fabrics and/or prefelt letters or shapes to personalise it.

You will also learn how to add magnetic clasps so the back of the clasp is invisible and I will share how I make sure the 2 halves of the clasp line up on the finished case.
Class fee includes an A4, hardback, wire bound sketchbook (plain cartridge paper), wool, decorative fibres and prefelts and magnetic clasps, as well as use of basic felting equipment.

This class is for adults, and is suitable for intermediate felt-makers and beginners.
When: Saturday 4th May 2024, 10am – 3pm
Where: Weta workshop at Franklin Arts Centre, Pukekohe nr Auckland.
Price: $70 per person
Please bring:
- design inspiration photos or a sketch of what you would like the front and back of your cover to look like
- one small towel (tea towel or hand towel size), and a larger towel approx 1 metre long
- a small to medium size pair of sharp scissors for cutting fabrics, embroidery scissors work well
- a tape measure – dress-makers tape measure is ideal but a builders tape measure will also work
- a plastic bag or bin liner to take your damp towels home in
- pencil and paper if you like to take notes
- small pieces of lightweight, natural fabrics (no synthetics or art silk please) that might like to use in your design. Cotton scrim or muslin and silk chiffon work well (optional)
- a waterproof apron if you have one (optional)

There is a cafe at the centre but you are welcome to bring your own drinks and snacks if you prefer.
Booking is essential. Please contact me if you have any questions and to book your place.
I will have a small selection of tools and materials available to purchase for class participants, let me know at least 24 hours before the class if there is something you would like in my Etsy shop to receive a minimum 10% discount.