Illuminated Lion Fish

A few weeks ago I bought a selection of different LED lights to try out in felted lights and this week I made a start with the first of them, making and lion fish night-light.

I posted this picture on Facebook and really didn’t expect anyone to guess what it might turn into bu Judith got it in just 3 guesses!


This is him in the making:


And nearly finished, he just needs a little more fulling to make his spines stand up straight and some shaping around his mouth to give him his smile back:



I have also been working on a bag, that had an unusual beginning; my other half broke an axe handle a few weeks ago and while he saw a piece of firewood, I saw a couple of bag handles! After some sanding and a few coats of varnish I think the wood has come up really nicely. I’m so glad I rescued it from the wood pile 🙂



I’m not sure this is what Ann had in mind when she set the 2nd quarter, stash-busting challenge but I think up-cycling an old axe handle qualifies! 🙂

11 thoughts on “Illuminated Lion Fish

  1. Marilyn

    Your fish would go well with my coral, stingray and fish. I think we’re building an aquarium.

    Love the bag with axe handle. Great save!

  2. Cath

    What a fabulous fish – and illuminated no less! Upcycled axe handle – now there’s a first!! Especially being attached to such a lovely bag?

  3. Karen Lane

    Wow, that is one serious bag and I love the way you’ve blended the colours. What type of wool did you use? As for making use of the axe handles….genius!

    1. Teri Post author

      Thanks Karen, this bag was made from Corriedale, a slightly coarser wool that is great for making sturdy bags and slippers.


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