Sculptural hats and bags with Rutsuko Sakata

I spent Monday and Tuesday this week on a workshop with Rutsoku Sakata, and the lovely ladies from Region 3 IFA making sculptural berets and bags. We all had a wonderful time.

This is my bag sitting on its resist and slowly taking shape; it literally took 9 hours to place all the stitching, my finger tips still feel sore and bruised today but I’m pleased with how the shape is developing. This is definitely going to be a one-of-a-kind type of bag!


the front



The back

Now I just need to figure out what the strap / handles will look  like and how to attach them…


Some of the participants and their wonderful creations


13 thoughts on “Sculptural hats and bags with Rutsuko Sakata

    1. Teri Post author

      Thanks Marilyn, I’m thinking of some adjustable rope handles, just can’t decide how to attach them…

  1. Juliane

    What an inspiring felted object which will make a unique bag!

    Don’t want to ask because it’s not kind to share the details of a workshop — but you mean hand stitching? Looks like a lot to do for this piece! I sometimes do ‘tacking stitches’ on the inside of hats. They can take a long time but shouldn’t hurt your fingers. Find a thimble that is comfortable, if you can.

    Wish that I could have sat in your pocket during your workshops – magically transported across the sea and ever so small. All unlikely. What’s up next?? There’s one in Finland that’s on my list 😉

    1. Teri Post author

      Thanks Juliane, yes, lots and lots of hand-stitching, I think my fingers are sore partly because I kept stabbing them but also because of the pinching and stretching of the felt while stitching.

      Rutsuko is living in Finland – is that who you are taking workshop with?


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